Thursday, August 3, 2017


Since returning from study leave / sabbatical last year I believe God has given me renewed vision for many, many people discovering the new life that comes through faith in Christ.  I'm calling it "1x1=1000 Impact Lives."  The idea is that one person chatting with one other person can multiply to the point where many, many lives are impacted with the good news of Jesus.

I know that people in New Zealand can often seem reasonably content with their lot, at least on the surface. However, we are finding more and more people who are asking the big questions of life.  Perhaps it is the uncertainties of our age with global terrorism and political upheaval from Brexit to the election of Donald Trump, to the turmoil in the Middle East.  Perhaps it is dissatisfaction with the chronic busyness of juggling work, family, sport, study, and the all pervasive news and social media in our digital world.  Whatever it is, Christians seem more willing to invite their friends to consider the big issues of life, and their friends seem more willing to respond and explore.  As I have said elsewhere, I think an invitational culture and showing excellent hospitality will be a key quality of healthy church communities in the years ahead.

Tonight we have our next Alpha Dinner and we are showing the new Alpha Film Series.  I am very excited about it because of the quality of the film, and because of the numbers we have coming to the dinner.  If all those who have said they will come arrive, this will be our largest dinner for a long time.  Click on the picture of Bear Grylls who makes a guest appearance in the first Alpha film if you would like to see more. or read my May post on The Alpha Experience below.

A large Alpha Dinner will be fantastic, but a growing Alpha movement is only one expression of 1x1=1000. Already some churches on the Taieri are planning special Christmas events to which people will be invited. Other creative ideas include: family fun nights, country gospel evenings, ski camps, parenting courses, cafes, business breakfasts,... all providing different settings where friendships are made and something of the good news of God can be explored.

Now is the time for bold steps, that will impact lives.

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