Thursday, February 2, 2017

What is Ahead in 2017?

What is Ahead in 2017? 
East Taieri Church
Each year I find it helpful to list some prayerfully planned highlights that connect with our strategic plan and operational goals.  These things will help us move toward our Church vision:
We will be a thriving church, responding to God's grace and passionately living out our faith, wherever we live, work and play.
Together we will work alongside others to develop thriving communities 
where people feel connected, known, loved and valued.

Our theme for the year is “Inspire – Lift Up Your Eyes”.  We believe God is calling us to trust that He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…

·         Ravi Zacharias visit to Dunedin.  Stadium Event!  One of the team – Jade Te Uri Karaka will speak at our March Business breakfast at Aurora Café.
·         Journey to Easter - Stations of the Cross display in the Hub leading up to Easter. Invite the community to experience it.
·         Alpha in 2017 is “Invite the Nation” – Globally the biggest invitation of this Generation.  Aiming to have 500 invitations go out and praying for 75 guests at the Alpha dinner.
·         Develop the 1x1=1000 vision through prayer and encouraging faith sharing.

·         Work on the results of our 10am service survey and see growth and health in this congregation.  Train up new service leaders for 10am
·         Develop the 9am gathering before worship.
·         Continue to explore fresh expressions of church.

Discipleship and Spiritual Growth:
·         We will start 3 new life groups and have 2 small group networking nights
·         Continue with the Hard Questions Café discussion setting for Christians who aren’t engaging with church and people wanting to explore deeper issues of faith.
·         See greater resourcing for God’s mission in people giving time, money, and using their spiritual gifts.  The Abundant Generosity series.
·         Appoint a new youth director.
·         Settle Caleb Griffith – our new youth worker into his role and help him create opportunities to connect with our community and disciple our youth.
·         Address internet safety and issues of sexting and pornography in our “Life to the Full” series including a visit from James Beck.

Community Ministries:
·         Feasibility study for a community hub.
·         Funding sourcing and reporting framework established.
·         Grow our connections with community groups, such as  TCC Food Bank, Emergency Response, Mosgiel Business Assn, Neighbourhood Support.
·         We will enhance well-being and connectedness of seniors through a mid-winter lunch.
·         Run three toolbox parenting courses.
·         Run Children's holiday programmes
·         Continue with Business breakfasts ( 3 per year). Explore the possibility of a special invitation only  Dinner with a guest speaker

·         Explore the use of mailchimp for email updates, including updating supporters of community ministry.
·         Explore possibilities for a new phone system to replace our old failing PABX system and obtain funding to resource this.

Mission Facilities:
·         Obtain an initial design concept for our future mission facilities on the East Taieri Site.

Wider Ministry:
·         Three short term mission trips will be planned. Thailand Jan 2018, Malawi June 2018, Vanuatu youth team July 2018

·         South Island Ministry Conference in May

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