Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Alpha Experience

Today at East Taieri just over 150 people had a taste of the Alpha Course in what we called "The Alpha Experience".  Why?  Because Alpha have launched a new film series which is outstanding, and because we want people to be a part of the global Alpha Initiative that is seeking to make the biggest invitation of a generation, and because every time we run Alpha at least one person discovers new life in Christ.  Even for those who have done Alpha before viewing the new film series helps ensure they can confidently invite their friends, knowing that it will be good.
This year at East Taieri Church we are aiming to invite 500 people to our Alpha Dinner 3rd August.  Some people may well say "No thanks" but we are praying that at least 75 people will say "Yes" and join us for dinner.  If you missed this Sunday and would like to see the Episode of Alpha we will show at the dinner so you know what you are inviting people to - click on: view Episode 1 "Is There More to Life than This?"

Why set numerical goals for Alpha?  You could argue that these are just numbers.  But each number represents someone God loves.  Each number is someone who needs forgiveness, community, meaning and purpose and eternal life.  Setting prayerful numbers helps us discern what God might be calling us to do.  It helps us plan and take appropriate steps.  For example, 75 guests at the dinner means we need a larger venue than usual.  500 invitations means we need everyone at East Taieri to invite at least one person.  That means we need to promote the course well and encourage people to invite others.  Hence the Alpha Experience.  We need to equip and coach people in building relationships and making the invitation.

More about the big picture behind the Alpha goals in my next blog.